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Geomechanics Southwest, Inc. is a drilling contractor, established in 1980 in Tucson, Arizona, as a full service geotechnical consulting firm. Initially, the drilling division provided services in support of in-house geotechnical investigations. In 1986 the company expanded its drilling operation to include contract drilling services offered to other professional consultants in Southern Arizona. In 1990 the company continued to expand its drilling division with the establishment of a branch office in Phoenix, Arizona. In 1992 the engineering/consulting portion of the business was dissolved leaving the drilling division to stand alone as a truly independent drilling contractor.
We are licensed with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, license no. 079441, classification A-04, with the Arizona Department of Water Resources, license no. 498.
Geomechanics Southwest, Inc. is committed to provide our clients with the highest quality drilling services available by utilizing our large fleet of “state of the art” drilling equipment in conjunction with a professional and experienced staff. With offices in Tucson and Phoenix Arizona, we are positioned to deliver our services, cost effectively, throughout the Southwest. At Geomechanics Southwest, Inc., we are prepared to do whatever is necessary to complete each project to our client’s satisfaction. Service is our priority, the client’s satisfaction is our promise.
Please accept our thanks for allowing us this brief introduction to Geomechanics Southwest, Inc. We welcome the opportunity to earn your business.